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Spent Academy Partners with WEBSTANT.co to channel social media addiction for positive change among Nigerian youths during School Holidays

Created by Spent Academy in Tech 13 Sep 2023

At Spent Academy, we are committed to nurturing the next generation of tech leaders and entrepreneurs. We believe in providing opportunities that go beyond traditional learning and extend into real-world experiences. That's why we are excited to announce our partnership with WEBSTANT.co, a leading platform for social engineering. Our participants can pivot the skills they have learned into practical business. This partnership is an avenue to empower the youth to develop a healthy productive relationship with social media.

Partnership Overview:

Through this collaboration, over 1,000 participants from our last bootcamp for secondary school students will have exclusive access to WEBSTANT.co's resources and digital wellness programs. This partnership aims to bridge the gap between mental health, social media abuse and entrepreneurship, empowering youths to turn their stressors into success.

Benefits for Participants:

1. Access to Resources: WEBSTANT.co's platform offers a free wealth of resources, for participants to showcase their projects, including access to business development tools, and growth opportunities.  

2. Improved Social Media Wellness: Access to WEBSTANT's resources will help students develop healthier habits around social media and internet usage, reducing addiction and promoting balance.

3. Increased Confidence and Purpose: Feeling productive and accomplished through entrepreneurship can boost self-esteem and give students a greater sense of purpose.

4. Entrepreneurial Mindset: By exposing students to entrepreneurship opportunities, they can channel their energy into productive online ventures, building important life skills.

5. Financial Empowerment: Successful online businesses enabled through WEBSTANT could provide income streams for students, increasing financial literacy and independence.

6. Skill Development: Creating online stores requires skills like marketing, design, customer service - equipping students with valuable expertise for future careers.

7. Early Exposure to Digital Economy: This partnership gets students involved in the digital economy from a young age, future-proofing their relevance.

Overall, the benefits encompass mental wellbeing, financial enablement, professional skills, and purposeful personal growth tailored for the digital native generation.


Our partnership with WEBSTANT.co exemplifies our commitment to providing comprehensive learning experiences and fostering innovation among the youth today. We are excited about the opportunities this collaboration will bring and look forward to seeing our participants thrive in the startup ecosystem.

Learn more about upcoming Spent Academy's programs and partnerships.

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